Zack and Amy Taylor

Discover the “Art of Being Self-Reliant”. We are Zack and Amy. We love the idea and concept of being self-efficient where we do not need to depend on much in order to survive. We have traveled the Nomad Lifestyle (Rv and Van) and we even co-authored a book about our travels and how to succeed “living on wheels”.

We also co-authors an ebook called “Homestead Adventure”. Again, the world of self-reliance is alive and well. We cover nearly every detail of the hometeading adventure. Everything from designing the house to raising your own meat, green house, cisterns and solar. We cover it all.

Yes, they took us weeks and weeks to prepare them for you, but we want you to discover this valuable information before you think about traveling and living on wheels or starting your homestead adventure.

“Leave the City is ALSO Homestead Adventure” – AN incredible eBook that fully explains the venture of Homesteading. Discover how to find the right land – grow your own food, raise your own meat animals. Which meat animals are best and how to DESIGN your homestead for maximum efficiency. A great ebook – no doubt! For Beginners.

Homestead for Beginners  – is about how to earn CASH while living on the homestead – off-grid. We explain about 50 unique money-making ideas that will benefit you greatly.

Homeschooling for Homesteaders – You’ll discover all the basics and advantages of homeschooling. A very unique eBook – with suggestions on how to acquire the right courses, etc. Very popular ebook.

How to Order – We are providing Empower Fans with a low bundle price. You’ll receive all FOUR eBooks for Reg. $45. ONLY $20! You’re welcome to pay from this website with PayPal. Order now. (This low bundle price is only available on

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