Category Archives: Homeless Harry

Homeless Harrythe author reveals his story. He went from millionaire to almost homeless – he lives in his van. At first, he only tolerated it; then, he soon fell in love with the freedom of Van Life.  Homeless Harry has accidentally created many fans. He’s written FIVE books, and he explains in more detail all the facets of living on the road – even how to make money while traveling.

He wrote the book, the “American Nomads” too!

The American Nomad. What a life! The nomadic lifestyle is getting very popular among thousands of adventuresome souls. If you’re prepared and have the right mindset, the nomad lifestyle can be a great way to cut your expenses, see the world, learn about yourself, and refocus on what really matters in your life.

But there are a few things to think about before you make the leap. How will you travel? Cars are too small to use as a traveling nomad in America. RVs are great, but they are a bit large. The Van life appears to be the best vehicle to use during your travels. Not too big and not too small.

The van can be converted into a very comfy “home” on wheels. It doesn’t matter whether you travel all over or stay around one area, or whether you’re in your rig full-time, part-time, or just on weekends. Vanlife is about much more than this. The nomad life in American can be a process of taking control of your life.

It’s about facing your fear of the unknown to pursue what makes you feel alive. It’s about meeting strangers from all over the world and accepting them for their differences while openly seeing the commonalities we all share.

American nomads may involve living from a van. You may not be tied down to a lease or a mortgage. There is often travel involved. But deeper than that, traveling and living from a Van is about committing to create the most fulfilling life you can for yourself. It’s about creating your own path.

Why Would You Want to Live a Nomad Life?

Traveling and visiting places in America can be exciting. Living on or near the beach during the wintertime or living in the mountains during the summer makes sense. Usually, only the wealthy can do this. American nomads, living in a van, do this all the time! Most Americans cannot or fear the nomad life.

There are many reasons why people choose this lifestyle. Some do this part-time, some for a temporary road trip. Still, others sell off their belongings and commit to van life full time. But however you go about it, living in a van is rewarding. It’s exciting. And it’s a ton of fun – if you allow it to be.

Ultimately, your mindset will dictate your experience. But if you remain open to sudden changes and new adventures if you allow yourself to go with the moment if you learn to make do with less and appreciate simplicity, then embarking on a van life journey will be one of the most important transitions you can gift yourself.

Here are just some of the reasons why you might consider living in a van:

Reason #1: American Nomads Enjoy the UnknownLiving a nomadic lifestyle means you’re constantly diving into uncertainty – which can be terrifying but also very exciting. Every day on the road is an adventure. Every day has the possibility of something different and unexpected happening.

On any given day, we may not know exactly what will happen, what we’ll do, who we’ll meet, or where we’ll sleep that night.  Every day is truly an adventure.  This feeling of uncertainty has a way of making you feel alive, more in tune with the present moment, and accepting of the nomad life.

There are many other reasons people choose the American Nomad lifestyle. Order my book today. You’ll love it.