Tag Archives: murder

Thomas P. Crenshaw (Group Two) – SEVEN

Yes, I’m wearing a disguise. We live in a dangerous world. My eBooks are highly controversial and many have been banned due to the facts I reveal.

As you know, I’m a truthseeker. I reveal many untruths and it might make you angry – but remember, I’m only the messenger.

Let’s get the word out. Please tell others where they can get my great low bundle price. I appreciate you. Thanks!   I promise any of my ebooks will empower you. You will discover what less than 2% of the world know exists. Discover the secrets of the world and how it has been hidden from you.

Below are GROUP TWO of
Conspiracy eBook collection.

The Ultimate Prison Life Guide – No matter if you’re guilty or innocent you need this guide. It will keep you safer and you’ll discover how to get out of prison as soon as possible. You never know when a loved one will be tossed into the judicial system for no reason at all. A must-read.

How to Survive a Home Invasion –  home invasions are up 400% this year, all over the country.   Car hijackings is up over 200%.  Discover methods of survival and keep from being harmed.  This is your chance. Discover survival secrets you can keep forever!

Sports Fraud – This eBook reveals the hundreds of fraudulent methods professional sports owners use to STEAL money from the fans. It is a 30 billion dollar gambling business. If sports fans knew the secrets frauds in pro sports, they would throw their TV out the window.

Child Kidnappings – THEFT! Khazarian Mafia Book Four. Over one million children disappear every year in the USA alone. Where do they go? Discover exactly where they are and what happens to them. It is not a pleasant story – but more people need to know.

How Corrupt and Unethical People Pocket Millions of Dollars – This compelling eBook reveals many of the shocking methods that politicians use, charities use and churches use to steal money from the people.

INDOCTRINATION – for over 60 years, the American people have allowed communist indoctrination to infiltrate the school system. Communist indoctrination is poisoning the minds of children and young adults. Schools and Colleges are creating three communists or every ONE patriot. What will YOU do about it?

Secret Killing of Americans – A shocking statement must be made and it must be clear.  Our enemies are also within our country. Discover all the methods being used to decrease our lifespan and how we are manipulated by the criminal cartel knowns as BIG PHARMA (poisoneous treatments).  A Must Read.

All SEVEN ebooks will give you a POWER PUNCH!
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Protect Yourself


Murder is Increasing.  Americans Need Self Protection.

An American-born man, dubbed as the Orlando shooter, who’d pledged allegiance to ISIS executed 49 people early Sunday at a gay nightclub in Orlando.  This is the deadliest mass shooting in the United States and the nation’s worst terror attack since 9/11.

American Families NEED To Be Protected and They Need to Learn How NOW!  Discover survival secrets to protect yourself on the streets and at home!

Omar Mateen, 29, the shooter, of Fort Pierce, Florida, was interviewed by the FBI in 2013 and 2014 but was not found to be a threat, the FBI said.

Mass shootings are on the increase and home invasions are as well.  Our country is becoming increasingly more dangerous.  Sociopaths who do not care if you live or die is on the lose.  There are literally thousands and some say millions of evil sociopaths who break into average American homes and are stealing their property and committing murders.

According to FBI, 200,000 people were murdered last year and the killers was never found or arrested.   It’s time Americans become more aware and wake up to the fact; the Police cannot protect you.

The police are more about revenue collection.  It’s now up to Americans to learn how to protect their lives and their freedoms.

Thomas P. Crenshaw created a collection of ebooks that is called “Bullet Proof Your Life” series.  The ebooks are extremely informative and you need to discover the basics to survival.  One ebook, entitled “How to Save Your Life from an Intruder” is an amazing ebook.

Predators and “Narcissistic”
People are Dangerous and Create Chaos.

Go here to get more information and how to protect and save your life and those you love.