Romance Thrillers – by Shannon Stone


Romance Thrillers by Shannon Stone are a collection of amazing romance stories. Her writing skills are unique and her storylines always involve intrigue. Ms. Stone grew up in a small town, USA and was lucky to find love at young age.  Ms. Stone often writes about those who find love but something keeps them from connecting completely due to life’s many conflicts.

Ms. Stone utilizes her talents to explore new levels of romance – ones that create excitment for the reader and often times will bring you to tears.

Her characters are very unique and the drama they create will provide a great deal of suspence and mystery for the reader.  Each one of her stories involves the connection of a man and woman and brings them together through conflict.  They certainly Romance Thrillers.

There will never be a dull moment. See her collection and her low-low bundle price. Only available on Go Here to Discover Shannon’s
Collection of Romance thrillers. You’ll Fall In Love with the Characters.