Category Archives: True Stories

True Stories – autobiographical or true events

True Stories – What Good are they?

True stories will usually explain an event that happened in a person’s life. The author’s typical reason for revealing the story is to reveal TRUTH and clear up any untruths that are floating around.

True stories may help others by sending a message. Yes, true stories can help you avoid danger or wake you up to positive possibilities. They can show you how a person survived – and give you hope of survival. Stories are like scars. Scars tell a story of something that happened to you – either physically or emotionally.

True stories can WARN you or they can bring you rays of HOPE.

Never underestimate the powerful effect of a good true story. It could have a compelling effect on your life. Read a TRUE story once in a while – you are sure to find a major benefit.

There are many types of true stories. There are autobiographies, those who write biographies about others – there is also true crime stories.

True Crime stories appear to be very popular – Go here to learn more.