Tag Archives: vandwelling

Living on wheels

The Nomad RV/Van life is a concept that adults of all ages are jumping on. The RV/van life is a freedom lifestyle. It removes the hassles of living a traditional “keep up with Jone’s Lifestyle.” The nomadic lifestyle is gaining in popularity beyond anyone’s imagination.

Terminology & Vocabular

Vandwelling – used to describe the lifestyle of living in a converted vehicle. Mainly used for vans as the word suggests. Although, the term can apply to a wide variety of converted vehicles.

Vandweller(s) – used to describe a lifestyle of someone who lives part-time or full-time in a wide variety of converted vehicles including vans, RV’s, busses, trucks, etc..

Part-time vandwellers – living on the road on weekends & holidays only, while also keeping your current place of residence.

Full-time vandwellers – permanently living your life on the road, and not returning home.

Nomad(s) – describes a person roaming from place to place frequently with no fixed residence.

Wanderlust – a strong desire or impulse to wander or travel and explore the world.

Vagabond – a person who travels often with no settled home.

Conversion – the act of transforming a normal vehicle into a livable home on wheels.

“Home is where you park it” – a very popular saying within the community.

Hippie – someone who has rejected conventional (normal) ways of living.

Home on wheels – describes the home of a vandweller.


Van life has been blowing up on social media lately. This number is only expected to grow at a rapid rate.

Many vanlifers have been documenting their entire journeys on Instagram, making the platform the most popular social network for vanlifers. A lot of vandwellers have been given, or even taken (in most cases) the opportunity of being sponsored or interviewed by huge brands and businesses.

This nomadic lifestyle no longer has its negative connotation. It is gaining popularity among many groups of people.

Lifestyle of a RV/ Van Lifer

As a person or couple who LIVES ON WHEELS, you usually go to sleep at night not knowing what the next day has waiting for you.  This is the excitment and the lifestyle so many thousands of people enjoy.

The freedom rv/van life is a dream come true for many people. So many people are now dreaming of this lifestyle. What they do not know is that is very possible and it can be accomplished very quickly.

People are waking up – they no longer want to work a job that only makes someone else rich. They no longer want to take orders!

You are able to fulfill your dreams and desires while traveling the world, stress-free, with convenience and ease.

Living the Dream

The rv/van life gives you the capability of being able to do what you want, when you want, and how you want. You no longer need to go through the headache of worrying about daily stressful routines.

Van life will consistently inspire you to continue living your dream. These are the many reasons people choose to LIVE ON WHEELS.

  • Travel the country. See all parts of the country if you wish.
  • No boring routines – do what you want to do.
  • Enjoy your life without the stress of a job.
  • Earn money when you want.
  • Create your own budget.
  • Experience all the great landmarks and scenic locations
  • No more house maintenance – no lawns to mow – no more busted pipes.
  • Flexibility is the name of the game.
  • Discover how less is actually more. Most people are brainwashed into thinking they must HAVE and WANT – this mindset turns people into slaves for others.


With a simplistic lifestyle, you will eliminate many of your biggest problems, especially many financial concerns. The less you own, the less you need to be concerned about.

Studies show that a minimalist lifestyle can lower blood pressure, reduce risks of diseases, migraines and headaches and overall improve your health. Often, the simple lifestyle is not just beautiful, it’s necessary. Many van lifers say it was hard to get rid of everything at first. However, in the end it was definitely worth it to adopt of life of less stuff.

Some of the many benefits of living in simplicity include:

  • Improved health
  • Additional prosperity
  • A lot less stress.

Financial Freedom

In most cases, this is what a traditional lifestyle looks like:

  1. Go to school.
  2. Amass thousands of dollars in debt.
  3. Spend years working jobs that you dislike, while also giving up your freedom.
  4. Wait anxiously until you can finally retire.
  5. Live frugally as an elder retiree.

We all need to question our lifestyle and ask ourselves if it aligns with our goals and desires. Because if it doesn’t, what’s the point?

I’m sure many of us can agree that this is not the way we want to continue living.

Living the van life allows you to be financially free in some of the following ways:

  • Many of the bills you usually have will disappear.
  • You’ll not need a regular job that takes up 50% of your life.
  • You can earn money whenever you want.
  • You create your own retirement fund and emergency fund.

Discover hundreds of additional secrets to LIVING ON WHEELS. You’ll discover all the hidden survival skills most never know.

We have several authors who write about their experience of Living on Wheels. It’s a life of freedom and self-reliance.